Search Virtual Visits
The participants in this virtual visit are American musician group who love music and are interested in the connection between music and physics. They would like to learn more about the ATLAS experiment!
This virtual visit is booked by the CERN visit service.
The Year 12 physics students at The West London Free School will be participating in a virtual visit of the ATLAS cavern led by Dr Clara Nellist. Some other schools in the Ogden Trust partnership for the West London area have also been invited to attend the tour and may join the call if they can.
The visitors are the winners of the April 1st Big Wheel decoding competition. They come from all over the planet, and there are a couple of Klingons, a Vulcan, and two cloaked Romulans. Hard to tell if there are any Shapeshifters.
This virtual visit is booked by the CERN visit service.
This visit is an introduction to CERN, particle physics, and the ATLAS detector. Students will have been studying As- and A-level physics and are choosing what subjects to study at University.
This visit is an introduction to CERN during a course on accelerators and particle detectors. Students will have been studying particle physics for three weeks before this visit.
This visit is a prize for participants of the Particle Physics for Kids Colouring Contest. Participants each coloured in one or more pages from the ATLAS Colouring Book. These drawings can be seen here: and will be shared on ATLAS social media. For more information on Virtual Science Camps, including the Particle Physics for Kids series, please see:
Several North American ATLAS institutes, mostly on the West Coast, are hosting Masterclasses on Saturday, April 24th. The organisers invited the participants to virtually visit the ATLAS experiment one day before the Masterclass to know the detector that produces the data they will analyse.
Teachers from Aldercar High School from the UK midlands, wish to inspire their young students to pursue physics at A-Level by showing them the most significant physics experiment. This visit is also an excellent opportunity for older students who will shortly embark on physics degrees, to see the applications of the theoretical work they have been doing.
The University of Manchester's Nuclear and Particle Physics Society presents part 2 of the CERN virtual event series, with a live viewing of the ATLAS detector. The guide for this live tour is Savannah Clawson, a PhD student from the University of Manchester working in experimental particle physics.
UKRI ED strategy CERN Virtual Visit
The audiences of this virtual visit are participants of the annual Science Festival conference organised by the Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Kamienicy Polskiej school to attract students to study science.
The participants are secondary school students. This virtual visit aims to acquaint them with modern physics' challenges, the career path of a physicist and the working environment at CERN.
Clara Nellist will walk her remote colleagues through the ATLAS detector in a lunch program at Nikhef.
As part of the A-level and IB curriculum at Torquay Boys Grammar school, the students learn about elementary particles, interactions and discoveries. They study the electromagnetic field and how they can utilise it to accelerate and control charged particles. In this term, they have the exciting opportunity to see where this is all put into place in action at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Physicists will take them on tour to see the practical use of the physics taught in the classroom. This virtual visit is an inspirational experience for them. We expect many of the students to continue to study physics once they leave school.
The participants in this Virtual Visit are are 5th-6th grade High school students at the 5th GEL of Kavala in Greece taking the Science Courses. On the 10th of March, they took part in the International Physics Masterclasses. In collaboration with the teachers from Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, the students managed to process the data via Ypatia Program and observe Physics Particles' behaviour through the detector ATLAS. Therefore, this virtual tour will fulfil their admiration of Particle Physics and help them understand the meaning of Experimental Physics' achievements.
A virtual visit for Quantum Physics fans
The participants in this virtual visit are students taking modern physics in their last year of secondary school study. This virtual visit is an excellent opportunity to get an insight into CERN's activities, enabling them to expand their scientific experience in particle physics research.
The organisers of this virtual visit are trying to spark their high school student's interest in science by taking them on a virtual tour to the ATLAS experiment and getting them in touch with an ATLAS scientist. This event is an excellent opportunity for students while they are looking forward to their prospective university careers.
This visit is a part of Lab2Go, a project started by the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics. The Lab2Go is a digital platform meant to improve the schools' science laboratories and make them effective and widely used. And allows students to be involved in different school-experimental activities.
Solving the mysteries of the universe; an introduction to CERN, the UK’s national laboratory for particle physics. The UK was a founding member of CERN, home of the Large Hadron Collider, and plays a leading role in its scientific discoveries. Join us to find out more about CERN, UKRI’s role, and take a trip 100m underground to see the jaw-dropping ATLAS experiment!
Finalists of STEM competition. The finalists are 19 years old and interested in STEM subjects, and many are specialised in physics. Although many have other primary areas of interest, this virtual visit will be an inspirational event for all. The activity will let the students know CERN and the ATLAS experiment on a level that an average 19-year-old STEM student would understand.
In this virtual visit, the participants are women attending the online Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) UK between March 25-27. The CUWiP is an annual event that aims to inspire undergraduate women in physics in the UK to enter careers or further studies in physics.
In this virtual visit, the participants are women attending the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) UK between March 25-27. The CUWiP is an annual event that aims to inspire undergraduate women in physics in the UK to enter careers or further studies in physics.
As part of a full-day event dedicated to research and engineering at CERN, Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung hosts a co-moderated Virtual Visit to the ATLAS Experiment.
The participants in this virtual visit are Technical High-Level School and Universities from a Group of Federal Institutes: FCE Cedro; IFCE Sobral; IFCE Acaraú; IFCE Tianguá; IFCE Crateús; IFCE Horizonte; IFCE; IFCE Fortaleza.
This will be an event integrated within our IB Physics - Particle Physics unit.
The researchers at Physics and Astronomy of Radboud University would like to show the participants in this virtual visit the ATLAS experiment that they work in "action".
Visit to the ATLAS cavern for winners of the PiA competition
Visit to the ATLAS cavern for the International Masterclasses in Göttingen
A tour of the ATLAS detector for an audience of science enthusiasts on TikTok.
Virtual Visit for Particle Detectors and Accelerators Lecture Course
In this virtual visit, the participants are third-year Physics students from Trieste University. Researchers from Trieste University and INFN, Sezione di Trieste, introduce the students to the CERN and the main LHC experiments and science activities there. They will take the students through virtual tours to the ALICE and the ATLAS experiments, the super magnet dipole test facility (SM18) and the CERN computing centre. At the end of the visit, the students will chat with virtual guides about several physics topics and the guides courier paths.
Cavern visit for PGR applicants to Glasgow
In this virtual visit, the participants are attendees of the Virtual Science Camps for students and teachers. They are from 22 different countries, with roughly one-third from Paris, one-third of students worldwide. The remaining are teachers looking for new ideas. This visit is a part of the “Particle Physics for Kids” theme adopted this year. It will be a session among many sessions hosted by speakers from CERN, JINR in Russia, Perimeter Institute in Canada and other research institutes.
To learn more about the Particle Physics for Kids, we invite the audience to look at the website
To see a video from the visit:
Cardiff Science Festival takes over Wales' capital to inspire and educate people. We bring the festival to you, with exciting events popping up across Cardiff to allow you to uncover the science of everyday life.
Joint event between the University of Glasgow and LGBTQ CERN, for LGBT History Month.
Our school has been fortunate enough to have taken part in three prior ATLAS Virtual Visits and look forward to another great tour!
This visit is a part of the Oper.CBI program, an open innovation program involving students from three Italian universities (the University of Bologna, University of Ferrara and University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), companies and many research centres. We plan to bring our company partners in contact with CERN.
Every year, our school travel to CERN and visit CMS cavern. This year with the pandemic situation and travel restrictions, we still would like to allow our students to connect to CERN, see the ATLAS detector, and learn more about particle physics.
In this virtual visit, the participants are 7th- and 8th-grade students at the Sokrates International School of Bydgoszcz in Poland taking the Polish National and the Cambridge International Curriculums. The school's teachers aim to pique their students' curiosity, openness to knowledge, and patience to discover the universe's fundamental laws. They also aim to excite the students to come to the school willingly and encourage them to ask questions about their environment. This virtual tour is an excellent opportunity for students to learn about CERN and inspire them to take advanced Physics courses next year.
This visit is a recap of Particle Physics for students in A-Level, Year 12 & 13.
Our year 11, 12 and 13 have been studying Particle physics and are intrigued by the subject. This event will give them an insight into the peculiar subatomic world. Year 13 are about to embark on the Physics of how particle accelerator work. In contrast, Year 12 have been fascinated with learning about matter and anti-matter reaction.
In this virtual visit, the participants are students following the IB diploma and are currently studying the matter structure. This event would help their understanding and make them aware of applications and the importance of collaboration in scientific research.
This virtual visit is for the year 13 class who are about to start the final section of their A2 course in particle physics. This event is an excellent opportunity to visit and experience CERN's wonder and interact with a physicist by asking them lots of exciting and insightful questions.
This event concludes the A2 particles physics section of their A level physics course.
In this virtual visit, the participants are High school teachers from all over Europe, attending a two-week-long winter school with subjects like High energy physics, Astrophysics, Gravity, Cosmology, and Astronomy.