ATLAS - The calorimeters

Submitted by Edite Prado Felgueiras on
Sheet Type
ATLAS - The calorimeters

ATLAS - The calorimeters (English / French)

Listing Priority

Pixel Detector

Submitted by Edite Prado Felgueiras on
Sheet Type
Pixel Detector

Pixel Detector (English / French)

Listing Priority

TGC - Thin Gap Chamber

Submitted by Edite Prado Felgueiras on
Sheet Type
TGC - Thin Gap Chamber

TGC - Thin Gap Chamber (English / French)

Listing Priority

Tile Calorimeter

Submitted by Edite Prado Felgueiras on
Sheet Type
Tile Calorimeter

Tile Calorimeter (English / French)

Listing Priority

ATLAS - CERN History

Submitted by Edite Prado Felgueiras on
Sheet Type
ATLAS - CERN History

ATLAS - CERN History (English / French)

Listing Priority