First combined SCT/TRT end-cap cosmic rays seen in building SR1
9 December 2006 | By

The event display shows one of the first combined tracks seen in the cosmic rays run testing the combined endcap of the Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) and Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT).
Following the successful combined SCT/TRT barrel test in the Spring 2006, a similar combined SCT/TRT endcap test is currently being performed in the SR1 building on the ATLAS experimental site at CERN. One quadrant of the SCT and two sectors of the TRT have been cabled up and are used in this test. The data taking and combined testing is expected to last until December 11th.
The event display shows one of the first combined tracks seen in the cosmic rays run. There are three different views of the same event: the top left part shows a x-y view of the event where the track can be seen in red, the SCT spacepoints in green, and the SCT strips in grey. On the right is the z-phi view, where also the TRT DriftCircles can be seen as white dots. In the bottom window, the TRT wheels are on top and the SCT disks are shown below with the hits corresponding to those shown in the top window. The TRT DriftCircles are not shown in this view as the TRT end caps only measure z-phi and not the radius.