Visit Title
West High School
Visit Date & Time (CERN)
Tue, 03 Dec 2019, 17:00
Visitor Location
Salt Lake City
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Visit Description
<p> </p>
<!-- Replace default by booking form content --><p>Students at West High School have been inspired to learn more about particle physics from their Beamline for Schools-award winning peers. DESY Chain teammates have shared their experiement and experiences and now their West High classmates want to know more about how scientists learn about the building blocks of the universe.</p>
<!-- Video: 1.fix CDS tag / 2.uncomment iframe line / 3. text format must be Full HTML --><!-- <p><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" src="https://cds.cern.ch/video/ATLAS-MOVIE-2017-003-001?showTitle=true" width="640"></iframe>--></p> -->
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