Virtual Visit of the School Pedro II - Duque de Caxias at the COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (http://www.espaco.coppe.ufrj.br) to the ATLAS Experiment at CERN/Switzerland. The students will be able to view parts of the detector as well as interact with experts on the field. The visit will be coordinated by Professor Marcia Begalli in Brazil and Researcher Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL) in the ATLAS Control room. Visita Virtual do Colégio Pedro II - Duque de Caxias na COPPE/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (http://www.espaco.coppe.ufrj.br) ao Experimento ATLAS no CERN/Suiça. Os estudantes poderão ver partes do detector assim como interagir com especialistas no campo. A Visita será coordenada pela Professora Marcia Begalli no Brasil e o Pesquisador Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL) na sala de controle do detector ATLAS.