Benedetto Gorini
Benedetto Gorini
Upgrade Coordinator

Benedetto Gorini is a CERN senior physicist. He started his career in the 1990s working on the development of the Liquid Krypton calorimeter for the CERN NA48 experiment. Gorini earned a PhD from the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, with an analysis on the observation of direct CP violation in the neutral Kaons system.

Gorini moved to ATLAS in 2001 as a member of CERN Staff and worked on the development of the DAQ system before serving as Run Coordinator in 2009 (deputy) and 2010. In 2011 he was appointed by CERN Management as LHC Programme co-Coordinator and served as such until the end of 2015, while retaining a minor involvement in ATLAS.

Gorini came back full-time to the experiment in 2016 as Deputy Technical Coordinator, with a specific mandate on HL-LHC Upgrade activities. He then became TDAQ Upgrade Project Leader in 2019 and served until his election as Upgrade Coordinator in the summer of 2022.

As Upgrade Coordinator, Gorini oversees the ambitious and exciting ATLAS detector upgrade program for the HL-LHC era.