Julia Gonski

Julia Gonski

Julia Gonski is a Panofsky Fellow (associate staff scientist) working on the energy frontier at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Her research focuses on novel approaches to searching for beyond the Standard Model physics with the ATLAS experiment, particularly incorporating machine learning (ML) and anomaly detection. She also works on fast ML for electronics in advanced trigger and readout systems, and planning for next-generation global collider facilities.

Learning by machines, for machines: Artificial Intelligence in the world's largest particle detector

Julia Gonski explains the long-established use of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) in high-energy physics research and explores the exciting potential these technologies hold for the field.

5 June 2024

What happens when energy goes missing?

Here at ATLAS, we like to consider ourselves pretty decent at tracking down particles. In fact, we do it every day. Just because a proton-proton collision doesn’t produce the next Nobel Prize winning particle doesn’t mean we can ignore it. Teams of physicists are still combing through every single event, rebuilding known particles out of the signals they leave us

3 November 2016