Mountains of Physics
5 March 2012 | By

Experimentalists and theorists are gathering once more in the Alps at La Thuile, Italy, March 3-17 for the annual "Rencontres de Moriond" to discuss latest results in particle physics and cosmology. ATLAS physicists will be presenting an extensive variety of measurements and of searches for new physics based on the complete set of data from 2011.
The careful analysis of 5 inverse femtobarns of data (around 350 trillion proton collisions) represents a significant accomplishment for ATLAS, and opens new windows for discovery. Results to be presented at the conference include searches for physics beyond the Standard Model, such as Z prime, excited leptons, and charged Higgs bosons.
For the ATLAS Standard Model Higgs search, sensitivity has been enhanced by the inclusion of results from the analysis of all 2011 data for the contributing decay channels. Those results are complemented by precision measurements of diboson production in the WW and ZZ channels -- studies that probe the limits of the Standard Model and improve our understanding of the underlying background in the Higgs search.
Topics for the first week of the conference, March 3-10, focus on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, while topics for the second week, March 11-17, put an emphasis on Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), High Energy Interactions, and Cosmology.
ATLAS physicists will be presenting results pertaining to a variety of topics, including Standard Model processes, Top Quark physics, QCD, Higgs searches, Heavy Flavours, beyond the Standard Model (BSM) searches, such as Supersymmetry, and Heavy Ion collision measurements.