
ATLAS celebrates excellence in doctoral research

Among the more than 5500 members of the ATLAS Collaboration, PhD students play a vital role in advancing the experiment while pursuing their degrees. Every year, the ATLAS Thesis Awards celebrate their outstanding achievements, recognising the significant impact of their research on physics analyses, detector advancements, and software development.

27 February 2025

ATLAS and CMS celebrate a decade of innovation by the RD53 Collaboration

On 24 June 2024, during an awards ceremony in CERN’s Main Auditorium, the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations paid special recognition to the RD53 Collaboration.

1 July 2024

Celebrating excellence at the 7th ATLAS Outstanding Achievement Awards

The ATLAS Collaboration held the 7th Outstanding Achievement Awards Ceremony on 20 June 2024. These biennial awards recognize the invaluable technical work performed across the Collaboration in various fields.

1 July 2024

Meet the winners of the 2023 ATLAS Thesis Awards

The ATLAS Collaboration celebrated the achievements of its exceptional PhD students at the recent Thesis Awards ceremony. Established in 2010, the ATLAS Thesis Awards recognize the remarkable contributions made by students to the ATLAS Collaboration through their doctoral theses.

22 February 2024

Winners of the 2022 ATLAS Thesis Awards announced

Behind nearly every great ATLAS result lies an outstanding PhD student! Students are a key cohort of the ATLAS Collaboration, making critical contributions to the experiment while working on their degree. Every year, the Collaboration comes together to celebrate their work in the context of the ATLAS Thesis Awards.

20 February 2023

Exceptional ATLAS collaborators honoured at the Outstanding Achievement Awards

The ATLAS Collaboration held the 6th Outstanding Achievement Awards Ceremony at CERN on 23 June 2022. Once every two years, these awards give recognition to the invaluable technical work made across the collaboration in all areas.

28 June 2022

And the ATLAS Thesis Awards go to…

Behind nearly every great ATLAS result lies an outstanding PhD student! Students are a key cohort of the ATLAS Collaboration, making critical contributions to the experiment while working on their degree. Every year, the Collaboration comes together to celebrate their work in the context of the ATLAS Thesis Awards.

8 March 2022

ATLAS PhD Grant continues its support of up-and-coming talents

At an award ceremony in the Globe of Science and Innovation, the ATLAS Collaboration celebrated the new recipients of the ATLAS PhD Grant: Prajita Bhattarai, Hassnae El Jarrari and Albert Kong.

11 March 2020

ATLAS Thesis Awards: And the winners are…

With over 5000 members in 181 institutions, contributions to the ATLAS Collaboration can take a variety of forms. Every February, ATLAS celebrates the outstanding work of one particular set of members: its PhD students.

3 March 2020

Celebrating the recipients of the 2019 ATLAS PhD Grant

At an award ceremony in the Globe of Science and Innovation, the recipients of the 2019 ATLAS PhD Grant were celebrated in the presence of CERN & Society donors and members of the ATLAS community. The ATLAS PhD Grant has supported up-and-coming talents in particle physics since 2014 and this year saw a new donor take up its cause.

29 March 2019

ATLAS honours six new Thesis Award winners

On Valentine’s Day 2019, the ATLAS Collaboration took a break from the usual rhythm of scientific discussion to showcase some of its most junior members. In a celebration in CERN’s Main Auditorium, the collaboration held its 10th annual ATLAS Thesis Awards.

22 February 2019

New winners of the ATLAS Thesis Awards

The ATLAS Collaboration has over 5500 members in 182 institutions around the globe. But, did you know that over 1000 of these members are PhD students? ATLAS PhD students contribute strongly and critically to all areas of the experiment, while learning valuable skills for their degrees.

27 February 2018

Award season at the ATLAS Experiment

From detector development to detailed searches for new physics, ATLAS PhD students publish dozens of outstanding theses every year. Since 2010, a few have been celebrated at the annual ATLAS Thesis Awards.

28 February 2017

Meet the talented recipients of the ATLAS PhD Grant

Motivated. Outstanding. Enthusiastic. These are the criteria used when selecting the recipients of the ATLAS PhD Grant. It’s a tough competition.

16 February 2017

ATLAS awards outstanding achievement

The 2016 ATLAS Outstanding Achievement Awards ceremony was held at CERN on 20 October. Now in its third year, the awards give recognition to excellent contributions made to the collaboration, with an emphasis on activities carried out in the first year of Run 2.

24 October 2016

ATLAS announces Thesis Award winners

On 25 February 2016 in CERN's Main Auditorium, the ATLAS collaboration announced the winners of the 2015 ATLAS Thesis Awards: Javier Montejo Berlingen, Ruth Pöttgen, Nils Ruthmann, and Steven Schramm. The winners were selected by the ATLAS Thesis Awards Committee for their outstanding contributions to the collaboration in the context of a PhD thesis. A total of 33 nominations were received, all of a very high standard and encompassing major achievements in all areas of ATLAS results and activities.

3 March 2016

Recipients of the ATLAS PhD Grant announced

Three young physicists – Ruth Jacobs, Artem Basalaev and Nedaa B I Asbah – have been named the recipients of the 2015 ATLAS PhD Grant.

26 February 2016

ATLAS High Performance Computing Initiative Wins Award

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has awarded members of the ATLAS computing community first prize for their novel use of supercomputer infrastructure.

11 December 2015

Q&A with EPS Outreach Award-Winner Kate Shaw

ATLAS Outreach Co-coordinator Kate Shaw has been awarded the 2015 European Physical Society (EPS) Outreach prize "for her contributions to the International Masterclasses and for her pioneering role in bringing them to countries with no strong tradition in particle physics".

12 August 2015

ATLAS awards Long Shutdown 1 achievements

The ATLAS Outstanding Achievement Awards 2015 were presented on 18 June to 26 physicists and engineers, in 11 groups, for their excellent work carried out during Long Shutdown 1 (LS1).

25 June 2015

ATLAS physicist wins L'Oreal-UNESCO Women in Science award

Rajaâ Cherkaoui El Moursli is one of the five laureates of the L'Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science Awards this year.

12 March 2015

Winners of the ATLAS Thesis Awards announced

Six PhD students were announced as the winners of the ATLAS Thesis Awards 2014 from 28 nominations received. The winners – Andrew Chisholm, Kun Liu, Marcus Morgenstern, Priscilla Pani, Dennis Perepelitsa, and James Saxon – were given certificates and an engraved glass model of the ATLAS detector during a ceremony on 19 February 2015 at CERN, Geneva.

27 February 2015

Second ATLAS PhD Grants

The recipients of the second ATLAS PhD Grant were announced last week. The three young ATLAS physicists – Danijela Bogavac, Silvia Fracchia, and Declan Millar – were given certificates at a small ceremony at CERN, Geneva.

23 February 2015

ATLAS Awards Achievements in Run 1

The ATLAS Outstanding Achievement Awards 2014 were given on 9 October to five individuals or teams of physicists and engineers for their contributions during the Large Hadron Collider's first run in all areas of ATLAS except physics analyses.

21 October 2014

ATLAS Physicist Wins Young Scientist Prize

For her contribution toward the discovery of the Higgs boson, Kerstin Tackmann was awarded the Young Scientist Prize in Particle Physics 2014 by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics.

21 August 2014

Five Outstanding Students Win ATLAS Thesis Awards

The ATLAS Thesis Awards recognize some of our postdoctoral colleagues who have made exceptional contributions to the experiment, across all areas, in the context of a PhD thesis.

25 February 2014

ATLAS PhD Grant Scholars Announced

The first recipients of the ATLAS PhD Grant were presented with a certificate on 11 February at CERN by the programme’s selection committee. The three scholars, Lailin Xu of China, Josefina Alconada of Argentina, and Gagik Vardanyan of Armenia, were delighted at being able to continue their PhD programmes at CERN.

13 February 2014

New Results for EPS

ATLAS physicists will be presenting new results at the biennial Europhysics conference on High Energy Physics this year. The conference, which will take place 18 to 24 July in Stockholm, Sweden, is organized by the High Energy and Particle Physics Division of the European Physical Society (EPS).

16 July 2013

Everyone Here Is Motivated By Physics

In June 1993, ATLAS and CMS were given the provisional go-ahead to submit technical proposals. Twenty years later, for the discovery of the Higgs boson, the European Physical Society has awarded the High Energy and Particle Physics Prize 2013 to the research teams of the ATLAS and CMS experiments. For their “pioneering and outstanding leadership roles in the making” of the experiments, the prize also goes to ATLAS' Peter Jenni and CMS' Michel Della Negra and Tejinder Virdee. We talked to Peter Jenni, who was spokesperson of the ATLAS collaboration for the first 15 years, on ATLAS' past and future.

17 June 2013