ATLAS Cheat Sheets

Discover the ATLAS Cheat Sheets

Explore educational physics "cheat sheets" developed by researchers at the ATLAS Collaboration, ideal to help with all those physics terms you want to know more about. With these sheets, you'll explore concepts from the Standard Model to conservation laws.

4-Vectors and Particle Mass

4-Vectors and Particle Mass

Time and space ­coordinates vary depending on the frame of reference in which a collision event is measured. 4-­vectors are tools that can simplify the transformations between frames of reference.

Keywords: mass
Download in English
Conservation Laws

Conservation Laws

These laws govern the reactions we observe in particle physics! Their violation would be a sign of new physics.

Keywords: standard model
Download in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch
Cross Section and Luminosity

Cross Section and Luminosity

This sheet defines cross section and luminosity, presents examples of LHC cross sections, and introduces the method used to determine number of events.

Keywords: cross section, luminosity
Download in English, German, Italian, Dutch, French
Feynman Diagrams

Feynman Diagrams

A powerful tool to visually represent particle interactions, as well as to conduct elaborate calculations! Learn the basics on how to read Feynman diagrams.

Keywords: higgs boson, LHC
Download in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch
Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo (MC) methods help ATLAS physicists simulate data by generating theoretical collisions based on both known and theorised physics. We use the simulated data to help us understand the detector’s behaviour, optimise algorithms, and identify new physics.

Keywords: model, event, signal, background
Download in English
Signal and Background

Signal and Background

This sheet defines signal and background and presents some common strategies for increasing the signal-to-background ratio.

Keywords: signal, background, standard model, photon, lepton
Download in English, German, Italian, Dutch, French
Statistical Significance

Statistical Significance

When physicists make statements about whether or not a given process has been observed in the LHC data, they must back up their claim with strong statistical evidence. This is often expressed in terms of standard deviations or the p-value.

Keywords: standard deviation, p-value, signal, background
Download in English, Italian, German, Dutch, French
Standard Model

The Standard Model

All fundamental particles classified based on their properties! Deviations to the Standard Model can point the way to new physics.

Keywords: dark matter, standard model, higgs boson, fermion
Download in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch

Credits and Terms of Use

ATLAS Experiment cheat sheets are free to download for personal and educational use. Content Copyright: ATLAS Experiment © CERN

  • Text and project development: Elise Le Boulicaut, Valerie Buxbaum, Dave Van Wijk and Jammel Brooks on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
  • Translations: Elise Le Boulicaut (French), Daniel Trujillo (French, Spanish), Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (Spanish), Lukas Kretschmann (German), Giada Mancini and Giuseppe Carratta (Italian), Dave Van Wijk (Dutch), Fani Henry (French), Ruben Schoeman (Dutch)
  • Background image: Ana María Rodríguez Vera on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration